Surgery for Zoe (#3)

Update: 10/02/2012   Zoe's surgery went very smoothly, and she woke up very well this time, still angry, but very well and much faster than before. As it turns out, both of her tubes were not functioning and there was lots of gross stuff in one of her ears. They cleaned out her ears, replaced the tubes, and tested her hearing, and she does NOT need a hearing aid! We know if would have been okay either way, but we are so thankful for this little break, and we are so thankful for your prayers. They are so appreciated!

Hello Friends,

Please pray for Zoe's third surgery to be successful and without any complications. It's very minor, but her waking up from anesthesia has yet to go as planned, and that is always stressful. She usually takes about three times the amount of time they expect, and then wakes up very angry.

This time, she is having one of her ear tubes replaced and an ABR (hearing test) performed. We are really hoping that the results will shown very minimal, if any, hearing loss that does not require a hearing aid. Another device belonging on her person, especially her head that we have to keep up with (and on her) is just not ideal. If she needs it, we'll do it, but it would be really awesome if we could get a break here.

 A couple days ago, I was getting her out of her stroller and putting her into the car and realized her glasses weren't on her face. After a quick glance around, I realized that she had taken them off and thrown them under the car-behind the wheel...if I had backed out before I noticed they were missing, they would be no more. I bent down to pick them up, and the little imp giggled; she thought she was pretty clever.

So we don't need another device...please pray.

The surgery is scheduled at Vanderbilt on Monday (Oct.1) for 10:30am. Grady's mom is keeping Abby for  a sleepover Sunday night, and we are going to spend the night in Nashville. It is outpatient, so we should be home in the evening...and maybe we'll make Abby's open house at school Monday night...we'll see :)

Zoe's time in recovery is usually several hours because of how long she takes to wake up and her unwillingness to do anything the nurses want her to do before we can leave (take a bottle, make a happy face-that one's sorta funny :), drink anything-that's clear, act normal-once again, sorta funny). I say this because it could delay updates, so please bear with us. These things usually take a while.

So anyway, we will see...I will update my facebook status during the day, and we thank you for any prayers you would like to send our way.


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