Little Barbie


Well, talking to our vet a few weeks after bring her him home about the kitty's tummy troubles, he says to me, "Don't you mean HE?"

When we brought this new kitty home, after being told he was a she, we never questioned it. I felt a little foolish...needless to say, it was an awkward moment. We don't mind having a male cat; knowing wouldn't have changed anything (except the name, of course). So, I guess I should have taken a peek.

We might be a little too trusting when it comes to strangers...


So if you follow me on facebook, you may have seen Abby's new little kitty, Barbie. She is adorable...about 3 months (we think), gray, stripey, petite, and very sweet. We decided to ignore our allergies and take one for the team to make our girl happy.

To clarify, she usually is happy, but since her kitty Pixie ran away almost a year ago, she talks about how much she misses her kitty, and she's generally just really sad about it. That sadness hasn't faded, so we decided that this was the best fix. She is ecstatic, and we are glad she is...I actually really like kitties, too; I just don't like how they make my eyes and nose feel.


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