Family Getaway to the Beach!

Hello Friends,

This past week, our family was able to take a vacation to sunny Ormond Beach, FL for a much needed break from our busyness. We were so fortunate to be able to use Grady's parents' timeshare, so all we had to pay for was gas to get there and our meals (most of which we cooked ourselves), and it was even more fun because our wonderful friends, the Carlson's were able to join us with their sweet boys.

On the way, we stopped in Atlanta (to crash at the half-way mark) and to visit family who lives there. Grady's youngest sister Sarah and her husband Ricky were so gracious as to allow to us impose upon them for a few days, and we are so thankful for our lovely visit and their hospitality. They took us to a great park near their home, and Sarah even cooked for us, wowing us with her new-found culinary skills!

Our trip was lovely with only a few minor bumps in the road: car sick Abby. milky puke in the back seat. check-out day discrepancy (our bad). little Eli afraid of the water. car battery died (too much laptop charging?). numerous stops (potty, milk for Zoe, feed Zoe, fresh air for sick Abby, stretch legs, caffeine stop, change drivers). a park with no playgroud (gasp!-however there was a fountain and a carousel).

Overall, it was a wonderful trip, and we hope to go back next year, only probably not in September because we will have a blossoming scholar in kindergarten.

Here are a few (okay, several) photos from our trip!


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