Zoe's Surgery-Successful!

Zoe's surgery (to remove the cyst in her throat) was scheduled for Tuesday at 2pm, and we were supposed to be there at noon (which we were). It was a very long day of waiting...she was not taken back until 5pm. She was a very good sport about it all. No one really wants to be a position like that, but Zoe is by far the best child to go through it with. She is so tolerant and sweet that we really don't have anything to complain about (except that we were starving). Really though, she was probably much more hungry than we were because she could only eat jello for breakfast...so, no complaining here. 

It turns out that the reason we were so delayed was that there was a tiny baby in the NICU who was scheduled a couple hours before Zoe for a quick, routine surgery. However, when they opened her up, there was lots and lots more that needed fixing...she was in bad shape, so they had to bump us. Good news...she is fine, and her surgery was successful, as was Zoe's.

We ended up telling the doctor to use her judgement on snipping more of Zoe's frenula (under her tongue) or not. We didn't want to cause her added discomfort without good reason, but if it could still be affecting her tongue mobility (which greatly impacts speech and eating) then we wanted to do it now. She did loosen it a bit more, but it was much less than last time, and Zoe was not nearly as inconsolable this time.

So left home at about 8:45, took Abby to a friend's house, and were leaving town around 9:15. We were able to leave the hospital at about 8:30, and we got home right at 11pm...LONG day, but it wasn't a horrible day.

They were able to completely remove the cyst, and that should really improve her swallowing. They snipped some more of her frenula, and they did a bronchial scope to make sure there wasn't anything else that needed to come out (it was clean). We even got some before and after pics from the scope...here is her throat with the cyst...here it's gone! I think Zoe's doctor just likes grossing people out :)

Some pics from our day...

In the waiting room, shortly after arriving. We were in there for about 4 hours.


in recovery

Wed. after nap...day after surgery
This morning (Thur) eating cream of wheat


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