Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a wonderful, restful Thanksgiving with family. We were at my mom's house on Thursday, and we all take turns cooking different dishes. I always do the sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. We let my older sister bring the corn in a steamfresh bag and my mom microwaved it for her (you know, just to avoid unforseeable mishaps). The three little girls (my two, plus my niece Jillian, who is 2 months younger than Zoe) played and watched Fern Gully while we all cooked and "watched" football (mostly, it was just on).

On Thursday night (once we were home from Thanksgiving and the kids were in bed), my mother-in-law and I went to Wal-Mart to see if we could get any deals...bad idea! It was such a crazy madhouse! Not doing that again; we couldn't even move our cart most of the time. We got a couple of good deals, but nothing worth braving that craziness. There weren't even any spots left on their parking lot. We just went home after that and planned to meet to shop the next morning (like we always do). The Friday after Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year; we shop all day, go to lunch, and just have a good time.  We shopped from 5:30am to about noon, when we stopped for lunch. We've gone as late at 7:30pm before, so this year was a unusually short, but we had a productive morning and are making an effort to not go overboard in gift-buying this year. We did pretty well with that goal.

Then Saturday, we went to Grady's parents' home for thanksgiving. Kids played and we sat around visiting and checking the food periodically. It was a very relaxing day.


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