18 Months!

This post is a little late because Zoe has been 18 months for a couple of weeks, but her 18 month appointment was just last Thursday. She is finally back up to the 5th percentile for weight which is great news because she took a 9 month hiatus from growing, and fell off the chart several months back. She now weighs 20 pounds and 6 ounces, and she is 29 3/4 inches long. Very exciting stuff. She is also low on iron, so we've started supplements, and she'll go back in a month to have it checked again and back for a weight check in two months...so much for being done with her appointments until the 24 month one.

Aside from her growth, she has begun some new activities very recently that make me question my housekeeping...she is creeping/scooting/army-crawling/inch-worming all over the living-dining room areas. Today, she used her belly to dust mop that end of the house for me....dedication. And so I am thinking I need to step-up my housekeeping immediately. She has also recently learned (from a dear friend) how to growl. It is a super-cute, gutteral sort of sound that she does periodically.  Last week she started saying Mama, and really started trying to actually crawl. She gets into position and rocks until she gets tired; then, she'll drop back to her belly and scoot somewhere.

She's eating a bit better. It's still not easy to feed her most of the time, but we've learned she prefers cream of wheat to oatmeal, greek yogurt to regular, and if dinner doesn't have spaghetti sauce on it, it is not going to be her dinner.

 Zoe is still spending one hour per day in the stander to practice putting weight on her legs, and Abby tries to make it fun for them both!

This is a bit of the attitude we have been seeing lately.

A typical dinner-time mess for Miss Zoe.

She got a big-girl pedicure...Abby insisted it was Zoe's turn.


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