
Grady brought me flowers a couple of days ago, just because. They were so pretty, I took a picture to share with you.

On another note, I added a couple of dresses and matching hairbows to my etsy shop. No sales yet, but I'm hoping soon :)

Zoe went for her 18 month appointment today with her pediatrician. She now weighs 20lbs 6oz and is in the 5th percentile for weight once again. They were very please with her weight gain; she weighed 17lbs 5oz four months ago and had lost weight. She didn't have to get shots, but they poked her finger. She is low on iron, so we filled a prescription for an iron supplement.

She saw her opthamologist last week. He is very positive about her progress, too. Since her strabismus has not improved much, her recommended increasing the time she wears a patch each day from 1 hour to 2-4 hours, so we did. She's been wearing it four hours everyday since the appointment. We also talked about lifting her eyelids. It doesn't sound like the risk will really decrease the longer we wait, but our waiting until she can better communicate with us about eye pain or dryness would make a difference. He said that if we did it now, he would want to see her every two days for a month to check for problems, and at the end of the month, he would plan on reversing the procedure if her eyes stayed too dry. Hopefully, in the next year or so, her communication skills improve and maybe she'll gain a little more eye movement. If she could move her eyes up and down even a little, it would make a big difference for her.


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