My, but we've been busy!

So to those of you who haven't forgotten my blog exists, thank you.  :)

We have had a rather busy month, and I have badly neglected my blog. It has, however, been time well-spent. Our homestudy was officially finished (and approved :) one week ago. We finished quite earlier than expected because we expedited it hoping to finish in time to be considered for a baby girl who was ready for her family, but it took a bit too long. The good news is that she has home, and with a completed home study, we can now be considered for the next little one that comes along.

I have created a blog/profile (non-identifying, no last names or locations) for the agencies to direct birth parents to. It's been quite time-consuming, and has swallowed up all my blogging time lately (and then some).
If you are interested in taking a peek...

I've also had quite a bit of sewing the last few weeks, and I finished my last order late last week. It's nice to have a little break...although when we finally get chosen for a baby, we will need to raise money FAST.

After paying for our home study, we have $2800 left in our adoption fund. We expect to pay between $8,000-$10,000, although it could always be more or less. Until we are chosen by a birth mother, we don't know what agency we will use because we will need to use the agency handling the adoption on her end, and fees vary by agency.

The main problem with this plan is that 1.we don't know how much we have to raise, and 2.without having narrowed down an agency that we will definitely use, we cannot apply for grants. They all require you to have chosen an agency, just to apply.

We were told yesterday, that we were not chosen for a baby boy with down syndrome, but we are now being considered for a different baby boy. I will update as I can.

In the meantime, we are carrying on as usual (or trying). This is a very distracting place to when you think you may be pregnant, but it's too soon to tell...and you really really want to be :)

I have lots of random posts in my head (accompanied by pictures in my phone), and I hope to get started on those soon. For today, I wanted to just do a quick update on what we've been up to and ask for continued prayer for God's will. Thank you for praying!


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