so very thankful...

for my loving and very hardworking husband who is also such a devoted father to our little girls.

for my sweet, sweet little girls and God's provision which allows me to be home with them during these fleeting, but so blissful years.

for our wonderful families and friends who prove to be such a blessing time after time. we are better for having them in our lives.

for the over-abundance that has so lavishly been bestowed upon us, undeserving though we may be, so that we may be blessed by blessing others (even if it is in seemingly small ways).

for little hands so eager to help in the kitchen...with laundry...straighten the house...occupy a sister.

for a thoughtful husband who makes me breakfast even though it's not my birthday yet and who cares for the children weekly (and cleans the house a bit) for my evening out shopping (enthusiastically, might I add).

for a loving and sacrificial Savior who gave us a reason to celebrate this joyful season.

for being able to snuggle my children while so many others have empty arms and broken hearts. My heart aches for those families in Connecticut, and I pray for them often. As a teacher, the possibility of that situation is terrifying. As a parent, it is unfathomably horrific, and I can't bear to even think of it. Please pray for the entire community, but especially the families of the tiny victims.

I know this is rather late, but better late than never. Family takes priority over blogging :)


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