Random Life Update

Hello Friends,

We had Zoe's follow-up appointment with her ENT after having her second set of tubes put in, and everything looked good. While we were in Nashville for the afternoon, we had lunch with another couple whose sweet baby boy has also been diagnosed with Moebius. It was really great to meet this wonderful Christian family who lives so close to us; they are the first people we've actually met who have also been directly affected by Moebius.

We took our last trip of the season to the zoo, and it was a beautiful day; it usually seems to be raining whenever we go, but it wasn't this time.

We didn't make it to the pumpkin patch this year like we usually do. The weekend we planned to go was really wet and muddy, and we had free tickets for the kids to our local KidsFest, so we did that instead. It was fun, and all the money raised with the event benefits an organization that works with special needs children.

I can't believe it's already the week of Thanksgiving! Time really does go faster as you get older...and I'm turning 30 next month.

Abby will be five in a couple weeks (which I also can't believe), so I've been planning her Barbie-themed party. She got her present a little early this year. It's a step 2 playhouse; all three sets of grandparents are contributing to it (which is a huge help to us!), and it's really too big to hide for long. It will stay in the house until spring. I will post pics soon.

This year I put the tree up the first week of November...the earliest I've ever done it. I really wanted to, and I decided that it's enough work, I want to get to enjoy it for several weeks before it's time to put it all away. So our fall decorations are still up outside, but our Christmas decor is out inside.

As week get closer to Abby starting kindergarten in the fall, we are leaning more and more toward homeschooling. We are still not 100% decided, but I think we're going to give it a try. Abby has always wanted to go to school, but the last few weeks we have seen behaviors (brought home from playschool) that can only be taught by other children, and they are behaviors we don't particularly care for (attitude mostly and typical mean-girl stuff), which I know is normal, and probably inevitable unless she lives in a tower (tempting). However, it seems horribly soon, and we aren't ready for that yet. I have started having a "school time" with her on the weekdays she doesn't go to playschool to test the waters a bit, and it's going pretty well most days.

Zoe traded in her gait trainer (walker with seat)  for an actual walker (no seat but with handles) last week after therapy, and she's going really great with it. She actually walks (and dances) with it; whereas, with the other one, she didn't do much at all most of the time. We're pretty excited about that. I took tours of a couple pre-k's a few weeks ago, chose one, and had a meeting about getting her in starting in Feb. when she turns three. I will do a post on that shortly.

Things have been wonderfully uneventful lately.  Maybe uneventful is the wrong word here. Good is a good word for what's been going on lately. Things are going really well, just busy.

Zoe in the gait trainer.


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